January BrainFood Talk with Dr. Barbara Sellers-Young


Event Date

530 Alumni Ln. Davis, CA. 95616

Arts and Sustainability in the Land of Eden

Historically referred to as the land of Eden, Oregon encompasses the high deserts of eastern Oregon, the former volcanoes of the Cascade Range, the breadth of the Willamette River Valley, and the Pacific coast. Arts and Sustainability in the Land of Eden examines the way artists within specific Oregon communities, against the background of landscape and history, reveal concepts of sustainability that broaden our knowledge of what is needed to create a sustainable world


 Barbara Sellers-Young was Dean of the School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design (2008-2013) at York University. She previously taught in the Department of Theatre and Dance at UC/Davis (1990-2008). She also served as the interim executive director of the Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts (2005/06).