Tip to Make End-of-Life Care Easier

Tip to Make End-of-Life Care Easier

Every few weeks, the Retiree Center will present a new article in its End of Life tips series. While we know these are difficult discussions to have, our goal is to ensure our retirees get access to helpful information to help them plan safely for the inevitable. There are many ways to ensure the future includes and safeguards our individual hopes and wishes as life begins to change with increasing age.

For many families and individuals, preparing for loss and death is most beneficial when starting early. It is important to include family members and loved ones in conversations surrounding palliative care, coping, and aging.

Here are some tips for making end-of-life care easier to handle:

  • Keep communication with loved ones open and honest.
  • Maintain open communication with your doctor.
  • Use legal documentation to confirm your end of life wishes, and then communicate these wishes with your loved ones.
  • Talk about hospice care and future living arrangements.

While it may seem overwhelming to initiate these conversations early, it is important to guarantee your own satisfaction nearing the end of life. For further information regarding any of these topics, please visit the National Institute on Aging.

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